Creating an Urgency to Help and Participant through Campaign with Campaign #ForChange Apps

Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah
9 min readJan 4, 2022

The campaign is one of the crowdsourcing platforms with a different concept from other crowdsourcing platforms such as, GoFundMe or even Kickstarter. Where mostly all crowdsourcing platforms use the money to participate, campaigns initiate a new way to help or even participate in the campaign to help others. We want our user participation in the campaign that the Organizer or Campaign maker held in the Campaign #ForChange platform. It could be a daily or even a series of campaigns such as taking action by using Tumblr to drink outside instead of a plastic bottle or even sharing what we learn every day to support educational issues.

But the truth is, not everyone who is concerned with social issues or already know consider using Campaign #ForChange apps. But we still don’t know what holds them back from using our apps. So we decided to discover the reason for these issues to make many people participate in the Campaign and help each other.

In this project, I tend to do the Discover and validate the ideas we would like to implement in our Campaign For Change Apps.

What kind of research do we do?

Mainly we decided to go with Semi-Structured In-depth interviews. Why? Because mainly we would like to discover their emotions, feelings and thoughts about our apps. Because we would like to capture that kind of data, Attitudinal research and semi-structured In-depth interviews are some of the methodologies that are part of the attitudinal research. We decided to interview 5 participants, which has

  • Socially Minded and Active Participant
  • Had a passion for social issues
  • Understand about
  • Participant doesn’t have a Campaign #ForChange app / Have a Campaign #ForChange App but never take any challenge or action.
  • Never take any challenge and action inside of the application Campaign #ForChange

From these requirements, we believe that the best participants for our research are interested in social issues, knows our company and apps but decided not to use or even consider downloading our apps because these participants could explain their reason more clearly as they know the campaign and has more reason instead of someone who did not even know our company or our apps.

How did we do the research?

Well, For the research itself we finally recruited five potential participants to be invited to the interviews. Before we recruit, we tend to send the screeners surveys that at least could select which one is going to be more suitable within this research. The screener filtered the participants and these five participants that were the most suitable for the research back then :

Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 5

What we found from this research was quite surprising and it could be considered to be one of our flaws while we are working with the Campaign #ForChange App. So what is the reason they are not considering using Campaign #ForChange Apps?

They are busy with their studies/work, so they forgot and did not prioritize using the Campaign #ForChange App because there’s no urgency to use the app.

One of the reasons why they are not considering using the Campaign #ForChange App is that they tend not to prioritize using the app in the first place. At the moment, they are busy or have a busy schedule every day during school or university time. They had to study or even work and because of the busy schedule, they tend to not look at the Campaign #ForChange app. One of the reasons was they did not feel the urgency of using the apps. They tend to use the apps because there is an urgency of helping by donating or even helping others when something big occurs, and that’s when they feel it is urgent to help others.

Lack of information makes them not understand what kind of activities they would do inside the Apps. They feel they still did not get the point of using the apps. What kind they could do and what kind of impact they could make

One big reason they still do not consider using and participating in the challenge or campaign using Campaign #ForChange Apps is the lack of information about what’s going on in the apps and what kind of activities they could do by using the apps. They already know that they could participate in the Campaign. But what kind of campaign and what kind of participation they could take by using the apps. These questions were popping in their heads and became the big reason for them not to consider using the apps.

so after they tell us the reason, they also tell us or explain the situation that they face if they would take any campaign or event in the future, maybe in by using the Campaign #ForChange Apps or another event. They say that they would consider participating in the social program or campaign if there is an :

The urgency of the issues is important for the user

After interviewing the participants, we could know that the urgency of the issues and also the urgency of using the apps is important for them. They said that the urgency of the issues could attract them to contribute and take action with Campaign #ForChange apps. It is an issue the things that are missing from Campaign #ForChange apps by looking in the social media in Campaign Instagram and also in the onboarding as well.

The Impact of the platform that they are going to contribute is Important for them

They also mentioned that they could consider using Campaign #ForChange apps can also take part of the campaign and challenge inside of the apps if they could know the impact from the challenge. We noticed that several users always talked about the impact of using the apps and what they could give to them after completing the challenge.

Key Takeaways from the research :
Campaign users or potential users still don’t get the value of using the apps and what kind of impact that they could give to the others by participating in the campaign. They also tend to not prioritize to install or even use the app because mainly there’s no urgency of using it. It is related to the impact that they could give to the organizer or even the one who will be helped.

Then How might we make them understand and feel the impact of using our Apps?

After some ideation with the team especially with our product manager, UX Designer and also with the UI Designer. We also ask for advice from our communication division regarding these issues. We came up with one sentence. “Our users could not feel the urgency or even the impact of using the apps because they did not know our values and motto that

“ They could participate and take any campaign that they want and also could donate by converting all the action that they took in the Apps”.

But How might we make them understand our values as soon as our new users get into the apps?

Then we know immediately that the first impression of our new users is what makes them interested in Campaign #ForChange apps. We knew that there’s something wrong or at least not working properly on the onboarding session. Because we know that through the onboarding session, new users could consider moving forward with the apps or just leave and uninstall the apps. After that we understood why not a lot of users leave the app because we did not tell them the value and impact that they could make by using the apps. Then After several times, we considered changing our onboarding with some messages that could deliver the meaning of using our apps. There are four screens in the onboarding and each of them delivers the messages and value of our apps.

All of the Onboarding Session that We Change to encourage them and get to know better with Campaign.

And here is the full detail of the all of the screen or pages :

But, Are you sure that the copy and the screen are understandable enough about the urgency and value of the apps?

Before we launch the apps on the redesign features of our onboarding pages, we conduct some tests because we want to validate that at least people understand the meaning and messages of our apps. And that’s why we validate this idea or design using a five-second test method. We would like to know their impression at 5 seconds after seeing the onboarding screen and write down the meaning on each screen.

How did I validate the Ideas through the Five Second Test?

To know their impression and gain the messages in less than 5 seconds because we knew that users could decide the next step between getting out from the apps or moving forward through onboarding in less than 5 seconds. We would know that they could understand our value using Campaign #ForChange apps within 5 seconds. Because we would like to test our value through onboard there is no restriction for the participant but at least we do favor this type of participant:

  • Know as a Company or Social Platform.
  • Never used the Campaign #ForChange app and never took any challenge/action with the Campaign #ForChange app before.
  • Had a strong interest in social issues

Because we believe that we need to test this on potential users rather than on our users because mainly they will know immediately and make the result more biased. We conducted the five-second test Unmoderated without any moderator so we would only send them the link and they could fill up using the platform called Maze :

We do this test on 20 Participants randomly because this is targeted at our new users, at least we want everyone to understand the meaning of this onboarding screen easily. We conducted the test remotely using Maze, and after 20 participants, we closed the testing session. And we got that 80.85% understand the meaning of our onboarding pages. Even though the 5-second test is mainly qualitative research, we could make the percentage by defining the “got it” metrics and the “wrong” metrics. So that’s why we could see that from 20 participants, at least 80,85% could get it right.

What Could I learn from this project?

Although we could narrow down the issues and validate the ideas as soon as we create the prototype for the users, we still have to evaluate more from the real product if it’s going to affect the KPI Metrics of the business or anything else. I could learn from this project that we need to get the feedback from the user as soon as possible and validate as fast and cheap as we can so we can get the feedback sooner before we deliver the design to the engineering team. Overall, it was an awesome project when I was still a UX Researcher for



Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah
Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah

Written by Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah

Detail-oriented UX Researcher at Kitani driving user-centered design solutions. I also set up UXR infrastructure and user-friendly research resources.

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