4 Benefit that Will You Get by Becoming a Volunteer
There are many types of activities that you could do in this world, Starting from doing your own chores, working to support your life and your family (if you have already married), and many more. It also happens when we talk about contributing to the social issues in this world right now. But first, why don't we talk about social issues :)
Social Issues, What does it means?
According to Wikipedia,
Social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. It is a group of problem in present day society and one that many people strive to solve.
Social issues are the source of a conflicting opinion on what is perceived as the morally correct or incorrect personal life of interpersonal life decisions. So social issues mean a problem that we are encounter that can be not relevant to our personal or social life. Some issues also have been summarized into 17 Sustainable development goals that have been declared by United Nations and also have to be achieved in 2030.
Knowing all of these 17 Sustainable Development Goals, We could know what kind of social issues we could tackle and how to tackle it. There were several types of way to be able to contribute to these 17 Sustainable Development Goals. You can join or create social enterprises that concern with one of those SDG's. You can also donate or join a campaign in some startup like Kitabisa.com or with Campaign.com with Campaign #ForChange App which you can download at Play Store or App Store. But there is another way that you could also contribute to the social issues by taking real action. That is by becoming a Volunteer.
Then What is Volunteering?
Based on the United Nations Development Programme in 2005, they said that Volunteers is a type of social action based on our desire to be useful for our community or society. Also, volunteering is not based on financial reason. By knowing that definition, we could see that becoming volunteering is based on our desire to help and become useful to tackle social issues. This is also what made me wants to become a volunteer and help others. Because I believe that we could tackle the social issues that happen in our world by joining together. Many Non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to accomplish day to day objectives and administrative.
Belajar Seutuhnya, for instance, relied on a volunteer for the operation, such as uploading the Instagram post to gain an audience and make Belajar Seutuhnya known in public. Being a teaching volunteer, teaching the student and also become the trainee for the teacher.
Because most non-profit organisation or social community would not be able to do such great or impressive work without the help of a volunteer.
Even though being a volunteer will not get any paid from any community or any non-profit organisation. But you still get the benefit of being a volunteer. Donating your energy, time, and resources can be just as rewarding for you as any money could buy. And here is the benefit of being a volunteer, according to my experience.
What is the benefit of Being a Volunteer? is it money, relation, or a full-time job?
If you’re looking for these answer after asking a lot of question about why you should being a volunteer, this is an answer for you. Let me explain it.
- Being a volunteer will enhance your feeling toward others and be more empathetic.
By making ourselves often face other people from a different background and social status economy and jump in to take action where the social issues happen directly, we will train our minds and feel more empathetic and sympathetic. It will also enhance our sense of belonging to others after talking and discussing the related issues. It will be a good way for you if you are a really not caring person or maybe less empathetic to others to tried to involve in a social project program so you could at least know what they feel, what emotions that they have towards others and also what kind of pain points and frustration that they have which is we need to help or solve as a volunteer.
2. Being a volunteer will make you feel more grateful for everything that we have in life.
This is the main benefit you will get after becoming a volunteer, especially if you are doing a social project volunteering in a remote or rural area. After seeing many others live in a rural or remote area with all the limitations, you will feel more grateful than you never expected before. Some things you are usually taking for granted, such as water or food like tempe in Indonesia, could become a special thing for those who live in a Rural area. That’s why I said that becoming a volunteer could be a cure or maybe a drug for you. If you never felt grateful for everything that you have.
3. Being a Volunteer make you able to adapt to any condition.
This is also the main reason everyone wants to become a Volunteer to adapt to any condition. After you become a volunteer, especially in a rural area, you would understand this situation. The condition where you can’t get any freshwater to take a bath pushes you not to use electronic devices because there is no electricity in the rural area. This condition will make you able to adapt to any condition, especially in the city where you have all those facilities and making you able to adapt to even hard condition in the city.
4. Being a volunteer led you to meet new people and a new relationship in the social aspect and others.
By becoming a volunteer, maybe it could also meet someone new that has socially minded and could share your thoughts about any social issues that we are concerned about. Maybe after you find new friends in relation, You could also start a new social project that led you to help others on a big scale with many people become volunteers in your project. So that’s why let’s become a volunteer :).
5. Being a volunteer will make you get a new experience in a social aspect.
It also becomes the one thing that you will get after being a volunteer. It also becomes a new experience that unforgettable for everyone who has already become a volunteer. Because it is not a usual thing to get especially experience in a social industry, most people tend to choose a focus that will grant a lot of money instead of benefiting a human being, such as volunteering, volunteering or contributing to a social industry. So this new experience will make you able to see this world with a new perspective to get a better view for your future career.
That’s it for the benefit of being a volunteer. To summarize, you would get a lot of benefit as a human being, like being more grateful about everything you have, and also makes you more empathetic to others so that you will be more caring to others.
Maybe I would like to close this story by adding a quote from Oscar Wilde, A book writer of “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”
“Tindakan kebaikan terkecil lebih berharga daripada niat termegah.”
- Oscar Wilde
Thank you, and feel free to discuss this benefit of being a volunteer in this post, or you can visit the social media that I would attach to the profile.